Monday, February 8, 2010

trash talker

Porter has started talking like someone from a video game or a movie. Before starting a wrestling match with Dallin, Porter will yell, "say your prayers Dallin" or "you wanna piece of me?" He also tells Dallin to "lock and load" before they go witch hunting (which they do all the time. Dallin firmly believes that witches are all around us and he and Porter have to go hunt them down. At daycare, Dallin's hunting partner is Koen).
Tonight Joe told Porter and Dallin that he would get them each a new toy if they slept on their own for two weeks. Sleeping on their own means that they can't come in and get me in the middle of the night. Porter was all psyched up to try until he realized that Joe hadn't said two days. He had said two weeks. Porter doesn't think he and Dallin can do it now. It will be too hard. At this point, I actually sleep better on the boys' floor then I do in a bed. I am so used to sleeping on the floor.

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