Friday, September 4, 2009

family bike rides

(one half of our family bike-riding team, notice Dallin's superhero overload)

We had our first family bike ride last night, though I don't think it was how Joe originally envisioned such an event. Porter still has his training wheels and Dallin accidentally hits the brakes often or rides into a ditch and then needs help to get going again. In fact, the "family" aspect of biking only lasted out of the driveway. After that, Porter took off and Joe stayed with him and Dallin and I slowly went our own way. It took Dallin and I about half an hour to ride around the block. Dallin would usually make it past a couple of houses before he would stop for some reason and I would need to come and push him so he could get started again. He did successfully maneuver around several cars parked over the sidewalk portion of driveways though and was really proud of himself. After our ride around the block, Dallin practiced riding down the driveway again until bathtime.

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