Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Joseph Smith

Because Joe and I teach Primary now, I know that the boys have been talking about Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel in Porter's CTR5 class and Dallin's nursery class. I asked them about it what they have learned the the conversation went like this:

Mom: Dallin, did you talk about Joseph Smith in Nursery?
Dallin: Yes
Mom: who was Joseph Smith?
Dallin: I cuddered (colored) him
Mom: did they tell you anything else about him in nursery?
Dallin: no
Mom: Porter, did you learn about Joseph Smith in Primary?
Porter: Yes
Mom: Who was he?
Porter: the prophet
Mom: what else did they tell you about him?
Porter: Heavenly Father and Jesus told him not to join any of the churchs because they were all wrong
Mom: why did he Heavenly Father and Jesus come to talk to him?
Porter: I don't know
Mom: it was because he prayed didn't he?
Dallin: yes
Mom: why did he pray?
Porter: because he was reading the scriptures
Mom: yeah. Did you talk about who else came to visit Joseph Smith?
Porter: yeah, his family
Mom: did you talk about Moroni?
Porter: yeah, who was that?
Mom: Moroni was the angel who came to visit Joseph Smith. He was the last person to write in the Book of Mormon and he hid it when he was done so he came to Joseph Smith to tell him how to find the Golden Plates.
Porter: how come Moroni could fly?
Mom: because he died a long time ago and so his spirit wasn't in his body
Dallin: Meenight dead
Porter: yeah, so he was an angel. Can Midnight fly too like a angel?
Mom: probably

Dallin's contribution to most conversations lately is that Midnight is dead. Oh well, I was glad to learn that Porter was paying attention in Primary. I guess Dallin was too because at least he remembered coloring a picture of Joseph Smith. It was actually a nice little testimony building conversation for me too.

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