Saturday, October 16, 2010

first people

I took the boys to Red Robin last week and there was a picture of Mount Rushmore on the wall. The boys recognized it from when we were there and were excited to see it. Dallin wanted to know when they would finish the bodies and legs of the people on the mountain. I told him probably never. Porter chimed in, "yeah Dallin, because they had legs just like everybody else and their bodies looked like ours. They wanted us to know what their faces looked like because they were alive before anyone else." Then he thought for a minute and remembered that Adam and Eve were the first people. The people on Mount Rushmore might have been like the 11th people on the earth. Dallin then added that we were the last people on the earth. I said that we were so far but I hope we aren't, I hope there will be more people after us. Porter said we were probably the 100th people on earth or something.

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