Tuesday, January 12, 2010

what's going on

What is that kid's book about the horrible, no good, very bad day? I can't remember but I know that I feel like complaining for a minute. The following things are annoying to me of late:
(1) my laptop has been broken for several weeks and I need to get a new one. I hate the desktop and I hate having to go to the basement to use the computer. Much like with the bike debacle this summer, Joe and I have different ideas about what my computing needs are and how much we should spend to fulfill those needs. It may be a while before the computer is replaced and I have a bad feeling I will end up with a Mac or something because he can get a free ipod out of it. Erg.
(2)My work life has changed a bit lately and I feel very overwhelmed with the amount of work I suddenly have. I have never had a particularly easy schedule at work but it has increased just recently and I don't know what to do. I have never had a time when I am constantly bombarded by emails and calls while I am home during the week, like I am now. People seem to have forgotten that I don't actually work at home during the day. I work 30 hours a week at the courthouse and the other 10 hours early in the morning, in the evenings, etc. I am thinking of foregoing my telecommuting for little while and working 4 tens to be able to actually get away from work when I am home.
(3) I hate my camera. All the pictures are blurry. Joe bought it for me last year for Christmas and I hate to say that I don't like it nearly as well as the one I had before. I took pictures of the boys at the Treehouse museum in Ogden today only have about two workable pictures. Double erg.

That is enough of my grievances for now.

Because of the lack of laptop, my blogging has lapsed (though I don't think it really matters to anyone). Dallin had a particularly funny day the other day. I intended to remember all that he said, but now I have forgotten most of it. I do remember though that I came home, carrying the mail and told the boys I had something for them. Their Friend magazine had come in the mail. Dallin took it and threw it. Then he yelled, "I don't want this. Porter is not my friend. I don't want to be Porter's friend."
Dallin has also developed an odd interest in toe lint. He checks his toes several times a day and tries to check everyone else's too.

Porter and Dallin had their yearly checkups last week at the doctors. All is well. They have both grown a lot. Porter is 5 inches taller than last year and Dallin is 6 inches taller (I can't imagine how someone who eats as little as Dallin could grow so much). They are no longer on the short end of the scale. Hooray. Porter also has perfect vision. Porter had to have three shots. It was terrible. I didn't tell him beforehand so he wouldn't worry, but it still took me and a resident to hold him down while the nurse gave him the shots. Dallin spent the whole time asking if he would get a sucker too even though he didn't have to have shots. He got mad that we wouldn't give him a better view of Porter's torturing.


  1. I care about your blog. I'm sorry works stinks right now. Good luck with your camera and computer issues.
    I love the funny aecdotes from your kids.

  2. Thanks heidi I don't mean to be so grumpy. I have been trying to be positive about work but it I sort failed at it today and it spiraled from there.

  3. The book is "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" and it sounds like you could give him a run for his money! :-) I hope things start to improve soon. :-)And, keep blogging! I love reading about what you guys are up to and the funny things the boys say/do.

  4. Sorry its been so rough. Sometimes on those days I think a punching bag would really help me out! I am amazed at Dallin's vocab....what kid his age knows the word "damaged!" I'm not sure where my kids found this one but if they don't like me at the moment they call me "wanky wanky mama" not sure how to take that one. Good luck! thinking of you

  5. I just barely found your blog. Now you have to keep it going. :) I'm sure Doug would be glad to help with laptop/computer issues.

    It was fun to see you yesterday. I hope things are getting better.
