Friday, May 1, 2009


Lately, Porter has been saying that he loves things. This is a non-exhaustive list of the "loves" statements he has made recently. (Dallin usually contributes by calling Porter a Butt-Butt)

(1) "Goll, I love these little green things [little green beads he found at the park, strewn in the bark]"

(2) "I love to shovel dog poop!" (In response to my statement that we don't want a dog because it would poop everywhere and we would have to shovel it up).

(3) "I like Cars, but I love Spiderman." (debating whether he would rather have shorts with Cars characters on them or shorts with Spiderman on them)

(4) "I just love superheros. I will save up my money to buy all the superheros [at Walmart]. I don't love Joker. I hate him. I love Batman though."

(5) "Legos, I love to play with Legos."

(6) "George loves to be buckeled in the carseat with me so he won't fall out."

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