Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Joe often comes with us to gymnastics and then we head to watch him play indoor soccer afterward (unless the game is too late at night, the games can sometimes start as late as 10:30). We pick him up at work and then we have to get Brucie afterward. Last week, Porter and Dallin both wanted to ride in Brucie and were fighting about who would have to stay with me in Girl Car. Finally, Joe volunteered to go with me. Porter wasn't sure what to do about that, but Dallin was sure that it meant he would get to drive Brucie home. Porter tried to explain to him that he couldn't drive, but Dallin was undeterred. He even acted out how he would drive, turning his hands like he was steering a wheel, jamming down his feet like he was using petals, and making driving noises. Porter told him that they were little boys and couldn't drive, they couldn't even see over the steering wheel. Dallin asserted that he was big. The fight continued. It was funny to hear Porter yell that they were just little boys, while Dallin yelled back that they were big. Eventually, Joe agreed to drive them and everything was resolved.

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