Monday, May 17, 2010

book reading

Tonight Porter had out a book with animal pictures in it so that he could try to copy the pictures. Dallin started looking at the book and Porter wanted it back. Dallin said no, he was reading it. Porter pointed out that Dallin couldn't read. Dallin disagreed. He opened the book and just said the name of each animal three times when he was looking at the page ("lion, lion, lion, eagle, eagle, eagle. . .)

Yesterday, Porter and Dallin fell asleep watching a movie for resting time (which we have in the afternoon's in lieu of naps). Porter sort of rolled off the couch and went back to sleep standing up, keeled over, with his face down in the cushions. He seemed to think he was in the bathroom because he pulled down his pants half way and started peeing. We tried waking him up, but he wouldn't wake up until Joe nudged him over with his foot. Porter tried denying that it had ever happened and refused to change his pants. After he finally changed and Dallin woke up, Joe took both of the boys on a bike ride while I made dinner. Porter fell off his bike and scraped his knee pretty badly. We had to use the big bandages after cleaning it. Not to be outdone, Dallin found a scrape on his toe and needed a bandaid.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that is hilarious. Too bad there isn't video evidence, because the blackmail potential of that moment is priceless!
